The Audit Committee
The Audit Committee, chaired by Christian Baillet, is made up of two independent, non-executive members (Mr. Jean-Marie Descarpentries), both of whom have the required experience and knowledge regarding accounting standards, finance, and auditing to carry out their remit.
The Audit Committee, chaired by Christian Baillet, is made up of two independent, non-executive members, both of whom have the required experience and knowledge regarding accounting standards, finance, and auditing to carry out their remit.
The role of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in its task of supervising the financial reporting process, the internal control of financial reporting and Company procedures aimed at ensuring compliance with the law, the regulations and the code of best practice. It also reviews the performance, efficiency and fees of the external auditors, and ensures that they maintain their independence. Lastly, it reviews the effectiveness of the financial and risk management departments’ cooperation with the auditors.